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On censored parts of the original Qur'an


Would the scribes not have carried out purges, reworkings, or even censures ?

It would seem that a number of cuts have been made in the Qur'anic text, some of which date back to before the Qur'anic caliphate (1).

Indeed, several suras and some verses « were not finally incorporated into the final version of the Qur'an [...] Until the fourth/tenth century (of the hegira), many Shiites (2) proclaimed that the official version of the Qur'an was a massively censored and falsified version of the true revelation made to Muhammad. In addition, they reported in their sources Qur'anic quotations that are not included in the vulgate [mu'af] about ʻUthmân. » translated from french : « n'ont finalement pas été incorporés dans la version finale du Coran [...] Jusqu'au IVe/Xe siècle (de l'hégire), nombre de chiites (2) proclamaient que la version officialisée du Coran était une version massivement censurée et falsifiée de la véritable révélation faite à Mahomet. De surcroît, ils rapportaient dans leurs sources des citations coraniques qui ne figurent pas dans la vulgate [mus'af] ʻUthmânienne. » (Cf. Dictionnaire du Coran [Dictionary of the Qur'an], Mohammed Ali Amir-Moezzi, p. XXVI, Éditions Robert Laffont, Paris 2007)

There are therefore « missing texts » !


« The original integral Qur'an is nearly three times larger than the official vulgate. The majority of the Companions, Abû Bakr and ʻUmar (3) the first two caliphs in the lead, rejected this text and developed a falsified text, because amputated from its most important parts.

According to Shi'ite traditions, this original Revelation indeed contained a large number of verses in which ʻAli (4) and the descendants (5) the Prophet’s (6) ― notably Fâtima and the imâms ― were specifically named as models and guides par excellence of the community. [...] Other verses, just as numerous, explicitly denounced the powerful men of the tribe of Quraysh and their treachery towards Muhammad, his Book and his religion. [...] Muslims will have to be content with the censored and distorted version of the ʻUthmân's vulgate, the version resulting from the betrayal of the Companions who, through their impious pride, signed the decline of the community in its majority, by excluding ʻAli from the succession of the Prophet and amputating the Book from its deepest possession. » translated from french : « Le Coran originel intégral est près de trois fois plus volumineux que la vulgate officielle. La majorité des Compagnons, Abû Bakr et ʻUmar (3) ― les deux premiers califes ― en tête, rejetèrent ce texte et mirent au point un texte falsifié, puisque amputé de ses parties les plus importantes.

Selon les traditions chiites, cette Révélation originelle contenait en effet un grand nombre de versets dans lesquels ʻAli (4) et les descendants (5) du Prophète (6)  notamment Fâtima et les imâms étaient nommément cités comme des modèles et des guides par excellence de la communauté. [...] D'autres versets, tout aussi nombreux, dénonçaient explicitement les hommes puissants de la tribu de Quraysh et leur traîtrise à l'égard de Mahomet, de son Livre et de sa religion. [...] les musulmans devront se contenter de la version censurée et déformée de la vulgate ʻUthmânienne, version issue de la trahison des Compagnons qui signèrent, par leur orgueil impie, la déchéance de la communauté dans sa majorité, en écartant ʻAli de la succession du Prophète et en amputant le Livre de ce qu'il avait de plus profond. » (Ibid. p. 161)

(1) ʻUthmân ibn ʻAffân

(2) The Alides

(3)  ʻUmar ibn al-Kattâb, second caliph

(4) ʻAli ibn Abî Tâlib

(5) his grandsons al-Hasan and al-Husayn 

(6)  In the Qur'an, Muhammad is described as a prophet in many verses, especially in Sura 33.


However, the Qur'an affirms, in 6, 38 : « [...] we have not omitted to write anything in the Book [...] », and in 12, 111 : « This is not a fabricated account [...] it is on the contrary [...] a detailed account of all things ! » 


« [...] copies (of the Koran) dating back to the second half of the 1st/ 7th century have been preserved ; none is complete, and in many cases they are only fragments.  [...] Copied essentially on papyrus, in a style of writing that we used to call hijârî by reference to the hidjaz, the Region where Mecca and Medina are located, these Qur'ans are indicated by the absence of diacritical signs and by a spelling of the rasm, or «consonantic skeleton», defective compared to modern use. These various shortcomings suggest that it was not possible at that time to preserve in writing the integrity of the Qur'anic text in a satisfactory manner, even if the Tradition attributes such a drawing to the Caliph ʻUthmân. » translated from french : « [...] des copies (du Coran) remontant à la seconde moitié du 1er/VIIe siècle ont été conservées ; aucune n'est complète, et dans bien des cas il s'agit seulement de fragments. [...] Copiés essentiellement sur des papyrus, dans un style d'écriture que l'on pris l'habitude d'appeler hijârî par référence au hidjaz, la Région où se trouvent La Mecque et Médine, ces corans se signalent par l'absence de signes diacritiques et par une orthographe du rasm, ou «squelette consonantique», défectueuse par rapport à l'usage moderne. Ces différentes lacunes invitent à penser qu'il n'était pas possible à cette époque de préserver par écrit de manière satisfaisante l'intégrité du texte coranique, même si la Tradition attribue au calife ʻUthmân un tel dessin. » (Ibid. p. 524)


Moreover, « apart from the problems posed by the Islamic textual tradition, some internal elements of the Qur'anic text have also continued to pose questions to the Orientalists. For example, words and expressions often remain enigmatic, not only for modern experts but already for medieval Muslim scholars are the commentaries as numerous as contradictory sometimes in one and only author  illustrate the hesitations or even pure and simple ignorance. » translated from french : « mis à part les problèmes posés par la tradition textuelle islamique, quelques éléments internes au texte coranique n'ont cessé également de poser question aux orientalistes. Par exemple, les mots et expressions restés souvent énigmatiques, non seulement pour les spécialistes modernes mais déjà pour les savants musulmans médiévaux sont les commentaires aussi nombreux que contradictoires ― parfois chez un seul et unique auteur ― illustrent les hésitations voire l'ignorance pure et simple. » (Cf. Dictionnaire du Coran [Dictionary of the Qur'an], Mohammed Ali Amir-Moezzi, p. XX-XXI, Edition Robert Laffont, Paris 2007)


« From then on, nothing in this history makes it possible to affirm with certainty that the event of the Qur'anic discourse was transposed scrupulously and in its entirety into the text we now know. » translated from french : « Dès lors, rien dans cette histoire ne permet d'affirmer avec certitude que l'événement du discours coranique fut transposé scrupuleusement et dans sa totalité dans le texte que nous connaissons actuellement. »  (Cf. Le Contre-discours coranique [The Qur'anic counter-narrative], Mehdi Azaiez, Berlin, Paris, 2015).

On the added parts of the original Quran. Apocryphal verses and suras


« Do not say anything you are not sure ! For the man will be asked to account for what he has done with his hearing, sight and heart. »  (Cf. Sura 17 of the Night Journey (Al-Isrâ’), verse 36)

وَلَا تَقْفُ مَا لَيْسَ لَكَ بِهِ عِلْمٌ إِنَّ السَّمْعَ وَالْبَصَرَ وَالْفُؤَادَ كُلُّ أُولَئِكَ كَانَ عَنْهُ مَسْئُولًا [الإسراء


If verses were indeed censored or falsified, would not passages from the Vulgate have been added to the original Qur'an ?


Here are the main verses :

The first (al-fatiha "The opening") as well as the last two suras (al-falaq "The dawn", al-nas "The men") of the Koran which are liturgical prayers. Abdullah ibn Masʻud criticised the presence of these three Suras in the ʻUthmân's Vulgate. About Masʻud, please click on the following link :



Many verses in Suras 2 (al-baqara "The cow") (a), 9 (At-tawbah "Repentance") (b), 18 (al-kahf "The cave") (c), 47 (Muhammad) (d), because of their respective contents which are doubtful to say the least.

In Sura 3 (al-'Imran "The Family of Imran"), verse 48 relating to the teaching of the Gospel to the prophet Isaʼ (Jesus), while the Gospels were composed long after his death, and they are peppered with contradictions and errors !

https://la-veritable-lumiere.over-blog.com/2018/10/the-contradictions-of-the-new-testament.html (in french for the moment)


In Sura 3 (al-'Imran "The Family of Imran") verses 127, 131 and 141, 176-178, 180-181, 188 relating to the annihilation of the disbelievers and the atrocity of the punishment that is reserved for them.

- Verse 127 : « to destroy a part of the disbelievers or to humiliate them (by defeat) and therefore to return disappointed. »

- Verse 131 : « [...] Fire prepared for the unbelievers. »

- Verse 141 : « and that Allah may cleanse those who believe, and destroy the unbelievers. »

- Verse 176 : « Have no sorrow (O Muhammad) for those who quickly throw themselves into disbelief. In truth, they will not harm Allah. Allah is determined not to assign them any part of the goods in the hereafter. And for them there will be an enormous punishment. »

- Verse 177 : « Those who have traded belief for disbelief will not harm Allah in any way. And for them a painful punishment. »

- Verse 178 : « Let not those who have not believed count that this delay which We grant to them is to their advantage. If We grant them a delay, it is only to increase their sins. And for them a debasing punishment. »

- Verse 180 : « Let those who keep with greed what Allah gives them by His grace not count this as good for them. On the contrary, it is bad for them : on the Day of Resurrection, they will be tied around the neck of whom they have kept greedily. It is Allah who has the inheritance of heaven and earth. And Allah is perfectly Knowing what you do. »

- Verse 181 : "Allah has certainly heard the words of those who said : « Allah is poor and we are rich. » We record their word, as well as their unjust murder, of the prophets. And We say to them : « Taste the punishment of the furnace. »"

- Verse 188 : « Do not think that those who rejoice in what they have done, and who love to be praised for what they have not done, do not think, therefore, that they find a way out of punishment. For them there will be a painful punishment ! »


Moreover, verse 50 of Sura 3 (al 'Imran "The Family of Imran") is in total contradiction with verses 17 and 18 of chapter 5 of the Gospel according to Matthew. In fact, in the Qur'an, it is written, in 3, 50 : « And I confirm what is in the revealed Torah, and I make lawful to you a part of what was forbidden », whereas in the Gospel according to Matthew, in 5, 17-19, it is mentioned : « Do not believe that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets ; I have come not to abolish, but to accomplish. For verily I say unto you, as long as heaven and earth will not pass away, it shall not desappear from the law a single iota or a single trait of the law, until all be accomplished. He who will remove one of the least commandments, and will teache men to do likewise, will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven [...] »

Regarding the contradictions between the New Testament and the Qur'an, see the section "annexes" at the end of the following article :

https://la-veritable-lumiere.over-blog.com/2016/08/les-contradictions-entre-la-bible-hebraique-et-le-coran.html (in french for the moment)


In Sura 4 (an-nisa "The women"), verse 157 relating to the affirmation of the non crucifixion of Isaʼ (Jesus), while this event was narrated by the historian Flavius Joseph in Judaic antiquities, verses 3, 11, 24, 25 and 34 relating to the condition of women (e), and the verses 89, 91, 101 and 151 on the speech of incitement to murder of the unbelievers, « the declared enemy », and to the atrocity of punishment promised to them.

- Verse 157 : "and because of their words : « We have truly killed Christ, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah »... Now, they neither killed nor crucified him ; but it was only a false pretence ! And those who have discussed his subject are really in uncertainty : they have no definite knowledge of it, they only follow conjectures and they certainly didn’t kill him."

- Verse 3 : « [...] It is permissible to marry two, three or four of the women you like, but if you fear not to be righteous with them, then only one, or of the slaves you possess. [...] »

- Verse 11 : « This is what Allah tells you about your children : to the son, a share equal to that of two daughters. If there are only girls, even more than two, then two thirds of what the deceased leaves. And if there is only one, then half of her. As for the father and mother of the deceased, each of them is the sixth of what he leaves, if he has a child. If he has no child and his father and mother inherit from him, then to his mother a third. But if he has brothers, to the mother then the sixth, after execution of the will which he would have made or payment of a debt. Of your ascendants or descendants, you do not know who is closer to you in use. This is an obligatory command on the part of Allah, for Allah is, of course, Omniscient and Wise. »

- Verse 24 : « and among women, ladies (who have a husband), unless they are your slaves in all property. Prescription of Allah on you ! Apart from that, it is permissible for you to seek them out, using your possessions and entering into marriage, not debauched. Then, as you enjoy them, give them their mahr, as a due thing. There is no sin against you that you enter into any agreement between you after the setting of the mahr. For Allah is Knowing and Wise indeed. »

- Verse 25 : « And whoever among you does not have the means to marry free (non-slave) believing women, well (he may marry) a woman among those of your believing slaves. Allah knows your faith better, for you are of one another (of the same religion). And marry them with the permission of their masters (Waliy) and give them a suitable mahr ; (marry them) being virtuous and not given to debauchery nor having clandestine lovers. If, once engaged in marriage, they commit adultery, they receive half of the punishment that belongs to the free (non-slave) married women. This is permitted to the one of you who fears debauchery ; but it would be better for you to be enduring. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. »

- Verse 34 : « Men have authority over women because of the favours which Allah bestows on them, and also because of the expenses which they make of their goods. Righteous women are obedient (to their husbands), and protect what is to be protected, during the absence of their husbands, with the protection of Allah. And as for those whose disobedience you fear, exhort them, and depart from them into their beds, and smite them. If they can obey you, then seek no more ways against them, for Allah is High and Great indeed ! »

- Verse 89 : « They would like to see you disbelievers, as they have disbelieved : then you would all be equal ! Therefore take no allies among them, until they migrate into the path of Allah. But if they turn their backs, then take hold of them, and kill them wherever you find them ; and take no ally or helper among them »

- Verse 91 : « You will find others who seek your trust, and at the same time the trust of their own tribe." Whenever they are pushed to the Association, (idolatry) they fall back into it en masse. (Therefore,) if they do not remain neutral towards you, do not offer you peace and do not hold their hands (to fight you), then seize them and kill them wherever you find them. Against these, We have given you manifest authority. »

- Verse 101 : « And when you go through the earth, it is not a sin for you to shorten the Salah, if you fear that the disbelievers will put you to the trial, for the disbelievers remain a declared enemy for you. » 

- Verse 151 : « These are the true disbelievers ! And We have prepared for the disbelievers a degrading punishment. »


Verse 33 of Sura 5 (Al-Ma'idah "The Table Served"), for calling for the murder and mutilation of the disbelievers, as well as for the atrocity of the punishment promised to them : « The reward of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and who strive to sow corruption on the earth, is that they be killed, or crucified, or that their opposite hand and leg be cut off, or that they be expelled from the land. It will be an ignominy to them here below ; and in the afterlife there will be an enormous punishment for them. »

Verse 38 of Sura 6 (Al-An'am "Cattle") where it is written : « [...] We have not omitted to write anything in the Book (al-Kitab) [...] »


Verses 12, 14, 17 and 18, 35 to 37, 39 and 60 of Sura 8 (Al-Anfal "The Spoil") on the divine justification of the call to murder of the disbelievers, as well as for the atrocity of the punishment promised to them.

- Verse 12 : « [...] I will throw fear into the hearts of the unbelievers. So hit over the necks and hit them on all the tips of your fingers. »

- Verse 14 : « [...] And to the disbelievers the punishment of the Fire (will be reserved). » 

- Verse 17 : « It was not you who killed them, but it was Allah who killed them. And when you launched (a handful of earth), it was not you who launched : but it was Allah who launched, and this to test the believers of a beautiful trial from Him ! Allah is Hearing and Omniscient. »

- Verse 18 : « Behold ! Allah reduces to nothing the cunning of the unbelievers. »

- Verse 35 : « And their prayer at the House is only whistling and clapping.  So taste the punishment, because of your disbelief ! »

- Verses 36 and 37 : « Those who do not believe spend their wealth to drive (the people) away from the path of Allah. After spending them, they will be a cause for regret. Then they will be defeated, and all those who do not believe will be gathered to Hell, so that Allah will distinguish the evil from the good, and He will place the evil one on the other, to make of it a heap that He will throw into Hell. These are the losers. »

- Verse 39 : « And fight against them until there is no more association, and religion is wholly in Allah. Then, if they cease (they will be forgiven for) Allah observes well what they do. »

- Verse 60 : « And prepare [to fight] against them all that you can as a force and as an equipped cavalry, in order to frighten the enemy of Allah and yours, and others whom you do not know outside of them but whom Allah knows. And all that you spend in the path of Allah will be fully repaid to you and you will not be wronged. »


In Sura 10 (Yunus "Jonah"), verses 4, 7 and 8 relating to the atrocity of punishment that will be inflicted on the disbelievers.

- Verse 4 : « [...] As for those who did not believe, they will have a drink of boiling water and a painful punishment because of their disbelief ! »

- Verses 7 and 8 : « Those who do not hope for Our meeting, who are satisfied with the present life and feel safe there, and those who are inattentive to Our signs [or verses], their refuge will be Fire [...]. »


Sura 12 (Yusuf "Joseph"), which seems to be a novel version of the story of Joseph, a bad summary of chapters 39 to 45 of Genesis, the first book of the Torah. The quotations in it are all erroneous. This sura is in fact a fabulation intended to seduce its listeners ! The Kharijites (Muhakkima) were the first to be offended by the presence of this sura in Revelation, denouncing the lying writings it contains.


In Sura 16 (An-Nahl "The Bees"), verses 71, 75 and 76 on slavery : « Allah has favored some of you over others [...] Those who have been favored are in no way willing to give their portion to those [slaves] whom they possess by right [...] » ; « Allah offers in parables a slave who belongs to us, without any power, and a man to whom we have given a good reward [...]. Are they equal ? Praise be to Allah ! [...] » ; « And Allah proposes in parable two men : one is dumb, devoid of all power and totally dependent on his master ; wherever he sends him, he brings nothing good. Would he be equal to the one who commands justice and is on the right path ? »


In Sura 17 (Al-Isra "The Night Journey"), verse 1 with imaginary content, apocryphal verses 8 and 10 relating to the atrocity of punishment that will be inflicted on the disbelievers, as well as verses 17, 58 for the violence of the spoken words : « How many generations have we destroyed [...] » ; « There is no city [unjust] that we should not destroy [...] or punish with harsh punishment. It’s well laid out in the Book. »

- Verse 1 : « Glory and Purity to the One who, at night, made His servant [Muhammad] travel from the Al-Haram Mosque to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, whose surroundings We have blessed, in order to show him some of Our wonders. It is He, truly, who is the Hearer, the Clairvoyant. »

- Verse 8 : « "[...] And We have assigned Hell as a camp of detention for the infidels. » 

- Verse 10 : « and to those who do not believe in the Hereafter, that We have prepared for them a painful punishment. »

- Verse 17 : « What generations after Noah have we exterminated ! And thy Lord suffices that He be perfectly Knower and Clairvoyant of the sins of His servants. »

- Verse 58 : « There is no [unjust] city that We should not destroy before the Day of Resurrection, or that We should punish with harsh punishment. This is well traced in the Book [immutable decrees]. »


Verse 6 of Sura 23 (Al-mu'minum "The believers") : « [...] except with their wives or slaves that they [the believers] possess, for there truly, they cannot be blamed [...] »


Verse 31 of Sura 24 (An-Nûr "The Light") on the condition of women : « And tell the believers to look down, and to keep their chastity, and to show their attire only as it seems, and to cast their veil upon their breasts ; and let them show their attire only to their husbands, or to their fathers, or to the fathers of their husbands, or to their sons, or to the sons of their husbands, or to their brothers, or to the sons of their brothers, or to the sons of their sisters, or to Muslim women, or to the slaves they possess, or to the helpless male servants, or to the unclean boys who ignore all the hidden parts of women. And that they do not strike with their feet so that we know what they hide from their adornments. And repent ye all before Allah, O believers, so that you may reap the success. »


Verses 6, 21, 40, 50 and 52 of Sura 33 (al-ahzab "the coalitions") relate to the exorbitant rights (f) granted to Mohammed (Muhammad).

- Verse 6 : « The Prophet has more authority over believers than they have over themselves ; and his wives are their mothers. The bonds of inbreeding have [in the successions] priority [over the bonds] uniting the believers [of Medina] and the emigrants [of Mecca] according to the book of Allah, unless you make a suitable will in favor of your brothers in religion. And this is written in the Book. »

- Verse 21 : « Indeed, you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent model [to follow], for anyone who hopes in Allah and on the Last Day and invokes Allah frequently. »

- Verse 40 : « Muhammad was never the father of one of your men, but the messenger of Allah and the last of the prophets. Allah is Omniscient. »

- Verse 50 : « O Prophet ! We have made lawful your wives, to whom you have given their mahr (dowry), which you have lawfully possessed among the captives [or slaves] whom Allah has destined for you, the daughters of your paternal uncle, the daughters of your paternal aunts, the daughters of your maternal uncle, and the daughters of your maternal aunts, - those who had emigrated in your company, - as well as any believing woman if she gives her person to the Prophet, provided that the Prophet consents to marry her : this is a privilege for you, to the exclusion of other believers. We know, of course, what we have imposed on them concerning their wives and the slaves they possess, so that he may not have any blame against you. Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. »

- Verse 52 : « You are no longer allowed to take [other] women. nor to change wives, even if their beauty pleases you, except for the slaves that you possess. And Allah observes all things. »


Verse 5 of Sura 62 (Al-jumu'a "Friday") for denigrating rabbinical Jews : « Those who have been charged with the Torah but have not applied it are like the donkey that carries books. What a bad example that one of those who treat the verses of Allah and Allah as lies does not guide unjust people. »


Verse 10 of Sura 66 (At-Tahrim "The Prohibition") on the status of women : « [...] the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot. They were both under the authority of two virtuous of our servants. [...] »


Sura 107 (Al-Ma'ûn "The Utensil") relating to "the one who treats as lying retribution" and "to those who pray while neglecting their Salât (Islamic prayer)".


Sura 111, (al-masad "the rope"), relating to Abu Lahab and his wife, for the murderous fury that emanates from his verses.


(a) Sura 2. In particular, verses 85, 89-90, 161, 171, 191, 193, 216-217, 244, 254, 286 relating to the denigration of the disbelievers, to the atrocity of the punishment reserved for them, and to the exhortation to call for the murder of the infidels, and verses 223 and 228 concerning the status of women.

- 2, 85 : « Do you believe in part of the Book (al-Kitab) and reject the rest ? Those of you who act in this way deserve nothing but ignominy in this life [...] they will be repressed to the harshest punishment [...] »

- 2, 89 : « And when they came from Allah a Book confirming the one they already had, - whereas before they sought supremacy over the unbelievers, - when therefore it came to them that they recognized, they refused to believe it. May the curse of Allah be upon the disbelievers. »

- 2, 90 : « How vile is that against which they have bartered their souls ! They do not believe in what Allah brought down, revolted at the idea that Allah, through His grace, brought down the revelation on those of His servants whom He wills. They have therefore acquired anger over anger, for a demeaning punishment awaits the infidels ! »

- 2, 161 : « Those who do not believe and die disbelievers will receive the curse of Allah, of the angels and of all men. »

- 2, 171 : « They shall abide therein for ever ; punishment shall not lighten them, neither shall they be given rest. »

- 2, 191 : « And kill them, wherever you meet them ; and drive them out from where they have driven you : the association is more serious than murder. But do not fight them near the Holy Mosque until they have fought you there. If they fight you there, kill them. Such is the reward of the unbelievers. »

- 2, 193 : « And fight them until there is no more association and that religion is entirely to Allah alone. If they cease, then more hostilities, except against the unjust. » 

- 2, 216 : « Combat has been prescribed to you when it is unpleasant to you. Now, you may have an aversion to something when it is a good to you. And it may be that you love one thing when it is evil to you. It is Allah who knows, while you do not know. »

- 2, 217 : « They ask you about going to war during the sacred months. Say : "To fight there is a grave sin, but even more serious with Allah is to hinder the path of Allah, to be ungodly towards Him and the Holy Mosque, and to expel from there its inhabitants. The association is more serious than murder." But they will not stop fighting you until, if they can, they will turn you away from your religion. And those among you who will adjure their religion and die unfaithful, their actions in immediate and future life will be in vain for them. These are the people of the Fire : they shall dwell therein for ever. »

- 2, 244 : « And fight in the path of Allah. And know that Allah is Hearing and Omniscient. »

- 2, 254 : « [...] And it is the unbelievers who are the unjust. » 

- 2, 256 : « Allah [...] You are our Master, grant us victory over the disbelieving peoples. »

- 2, 223 : « Your wives are for you a field of labour ; go to your field as [and when] you want and work for yourselves in advance. »

- 2, 228 : « [...] men nevertheless have a predominance over themselves [women] [...] »


(b) Sura 9. In particular, verses 3, 5, 29, 39, 73-74 for defamation of non-believers and calling for murder, as well as for incitement to fight harshly against unbelievers, on pain of receiving a painful punishment. 

- 9, 3 : « And proclamation to the people, from Allah and His Messenger, on the day of the Great Pilgrimage, that Allah and His Messenger disavow the associators. If you repent, it will be better for you. But if you turn away, know that you will not reduce Allah to impotence. And proclaim a painful punishment to those who do not believe. »

- 9, 5 : « After the holy months expire, kill the associates wherever you find them. Capture them, besiege them and watch for them in every ambush. [...] »

- 9:29 : « Fight against those who do not believe in Allah or the Last Day, who do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbade, and who do not profess the religion of the truth, among those who have received the Book, until they pour out the capitation by their own hands, after he humiliated himself. »

- 9:39 : « If you do not go into battle, he will punish you with a painful punishment and replace you with another people. You shall not harm Him in any way. And Allah is Almighty. »

- 9, 73 : « O Prophet, fight against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and be rude to them ; Hell will be their refuge, and what a bad destination ! »

- 9, 74 : « They swear by Allah that they did not say (what they said), whereas in truth they said the word of disbelief and they rejected the faith after being Muslims. They projected what they could not accomplish. But they have no reproach to do except that Allah - and His Messenger - has enriched them by His grace. If they repented, it would be better for them. And if they turn their backs, Allah will chastise them with a painful punishment, here below and in the hereafter ; and they shall have no ally or helper on earth. »


(c) Sura 18. In particular, verse 29 concerning the atrocity of punishment that will be inflicted on the unbelievers : "And say : « The truth comes from your Lord". Whoever wants it, let him believe, and whoever wants him to mischief ». We have prepared for the unjust a Fire whose flames surround them. And if they implore to drink they will be watered with water like molten metal burning their faces. What a bad drink and what a detestable one remains !"


(d) Sura 47, in verse 2 : « [...] what has been descended upon Muhammad - and this is the truth from their Lord - [...] », and in verses 34 and 35, for inciting hatred and war against the unbelievers : « Those who have disbelieved and obstructed the way of Allah and then died while being disbelievers, Allah will never forgive them. Do not therefore weaken and call for peace while you are highest, Allah is with you, and He will never frustrate you [with the merit] of your works. »


e) For example, in 4, 34 : « Men have authority over women (ar-rijalu qawwamuna 'ala an-nisa'), because of the favours that Allah bestows on them [...] Virtuous women are obedient [...] And when to those whose disobedience you fear [...] strike them [...] »

Another example, in 4, 11 : « [...] to the son, a share equivalent to that of two daughters [...] »


f) For example, in 33, 6 : « The Prophet has more rights over believers than they have over themselves, and his wives are their mothers » and in 33, 50 : « O prophet !  We have made lawful for you your wives [...] the captives whom Allah has given you by the act of Jihad, as well as the daughters of your uncles [...] of your aunts [...] as any believing woman who gives her person to the Prophet, if he wants to take her for wife. This is for you a privilege to which believers are excluded [...] »

Another example, in 33, 21 : « [...] you have in the messenger of Allah an excellent model [...] », and in 33, 40 : « [...] the last of the prophets. »


Like the laws of nature, the word of God is immutable ; it does not vary over the centuries ! God, the One, the True, points out the right way, and his commandments remain forever.

Some have turned away from the true Call, to lead men astray, out of the way of God.



Comments on Sura 2 (The Cow) full of insults against the Jews :


« Muhammad’s hope was disappointed : most Jews declined his advances. Then the sympathy of the Prophet turned into hatred and he became their fierce adversary. Now a book of Allah is offered to you to confirm the revelation (1) which you have received in the past, and you reject it... May the curse of Allah fall on unbelievers !... » translated from french : (« L'espoir de Mahomet fut déçu : la plupart des Juifs déclinèrent ses avances. Alors la sympathie du Prophète se transforma en haine et il devint leur adversaire acharné. « Maintenant, un livre d'Allah vous est offert pour confirmer la révélation (1) que vous avez reçue naguère, et vous la repoussez... Puisse la malédiction d'Allah tomber sur les incroyants !... » (Cf. Vingt siècles d'histoire du peuple juif [Twenty centuries of history of the Jewish people], Werner Keller, p. 125, Éd. Arthaud, Bellegarde, 1971)

« Jews who had not been killed in battle, banished or tortured to death, were stripped of their possessions and burdened with heavy tribes. Their plantations and palm groves were destroyed...  Exactly twelve years after the fall of Khaybar, Caliph Omar (2) definitively drove the few surviving communities out of Arabia and distributed their lands to his soldiers. » translated from french :  « Les Juifs qui n'avaient pas été tués au combat, bannis ou torturés à mort, étaient dépouillés de leurs biens et accablés de lourds tribus. Leurs plantations et leurs palmeraies étaient détruites... Douze ans exactement après la chute de Khaybar, le calife Omar (2) chassa définitivement d'Arabie les quelques communautés survivantes et distribua leurs terres à ses soldats. » (Cf. ibid. p. 126).

(1) the Torah (Tawrâh) 
(2) Omar ibn al-Khattab


In "The Cow", as in many suras "revealed" to Medina, the scribes distilled hateful remarks towards the disbelievers. They imposed their dogmas by force in support of inspirational theses of religious terror. They knowingly altered the word of God !

How many crimes in the name of Allah !!  

Quotes :


« [...] a collection of ridiculous revelations and vague and incoherent preaching [...] it was a sublime and bold charlatan that this Muhammad, son of Abdullah. [...] the means are awful ; it is deceit and murder. [...] he lacks nothing to deceive men. » translated from french : « [...] un recueil de révélations ridicules et de prédicatives vagues et incohérentes [...] c'était un sublime et hardi charlatan que ce Mahomet, fils d'Abdallah. [...] les moyens sont affreux ; c'est la fourberie et le meurtre. [...] il ne lui manque rien pour tromper les hommes. » (Cf. Œuvres complètes de Voltaire [Complete Works of Voltaire], volume 7, Sur l'Alcoran ou plutôt le Koran, p. 155-161, chez Th. Desoer Libraire, Paris, 1817)


« Mohammed in his first battles in Arabia against the enemies of his imposture, had his reluctant compatriots killed without mercy. He was not powerful enough to let live those who could destroy his nascent religion [...] the Muslim legislator, a powerful and terrible man, establishes his dogmas by his courage and weapons. » translated from french : « Mahomet dans ses premiers combats en Arabie contre les ennemis de son imposture, faisait tuer sans miséricorde ses compatriotes réticents. Il n'était pas assez puissant pour laisser vivre ceux qui pouvaient détruire sa religion naissante [...] le législateur des musulmans, homme puissant et terrible, établit ses dogmes par son courage et par ses armes. » (Cf. Œuvres complètes de Voltaire [Complete Works of Voltaire], Essai sur les mœurs, tome troisième, ch. VII, p. 100, chez Furner Libraire-Éditeur, Paris, 1835)


« Error and ignorance are the sole cause of human misfortunes, and superstitious mistakes are the most deadly, because they deceive all the sources of reason, and their fatal enthusiasm instructs them to commit crime without remorse. » translated from french : « L'erreur et l'ignorance sont la cause unique des malheurs du genre humain, et les erreurs superstitieuses sont les plus funestes, parce qu'elles trompent toutes les sources de la raison, et que leur fatal enthousiasme instruit à commettre le crime sans remords. » (Cf. Condorcet, Œuvres complètes de Voltaire [Complete Works of Voltaire]Vie de Voltaire, p. 58, chez Furner Libraire-Éditeur, Paris, 1835)


« Religion is the art of intoxicating men with enthusiasm, to prevent them from dealing with evils, including those who govern them, oppress them here below. With the help of the invisible powers, whose they are threatened, they are forced to suffer in silence the miseries of which they are afflicted by the visible powers ; they are made to hope that, if they agree to be unhappy in this world, they will be happier in another. [...] the truth must ultimately triumph over falsehood [...] » translated from french : « La religion est l’art d’enivrer les hommes de l’enthousiasme, pour les empêcher de s’occuper des maux, dont ceux qui les gouvernent, les accablent ici bas. À l’aide des puissances invisibles, dont on les menace, on les force de souffrir en silence les misères dont ils sont affligés par les puissances visibles ; on leur fait espérer, que s’ils consentent à être malheureux en ce monde, ils seront plus heureux dans un autre. [...] la vérité doit à la fin triompher du mensonge [...] » (Cf. Le christianisme dévoilé, ou Examen des principes et des effets de la religion chrétienne [Revealed Christianity, or Examination of the Principles and Effects of the Christian Religion], baron Paul Henry Thiry d'Holbach, conclusion, 1766)(Cf. , Baron Paul Henry Thiry d'Holbach, conclusion, 1766)


« It is about the distortion of a text as of a murder. The difficult thing is not to carry out the act, but to remove its traces. » translated from french : « Il en va de la déformation d'un texte comme d'un meurtre. Le difficile n'est pas d'exécuter l'acte, mais d'en éliminer les traces. » (Cf. L'homme Moïse et la religion monothéiste [Man Moses and the Monotheistic Religion], Sigmund Freud, p. 115)



Conclusion :


Islamism is a totalitarian ideology that makes it possible to justify the most monstrous murderous acts towards those who do not want to share the same beliefs.


God’s plan is not to divide, but to gather !  Whoever helps to divide the peoples serves Satan called the Evil One, the Divisor, the Liar.

Thus says the Righteous :

I won’t let my prophets get dirty.

For my Name is holy and my word is truth !


ولا غالب إلا الله  Wa la ghaliba illa Allah ((There is no other winner that God !)


Article dedicated to  محمود محمد طه Mahmoud Muhammad Taha, a Muslim theologian executed in Sudan in 1985 for apostasy.

Article written by Pascal Bourdaloue

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