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30 novembre 2010 2 30 /11 /novembre /2010 16:22

Paul, so-called apostle who altered the truth and turned out to be a false prophet.


Saül of Tarsus (Paul), did not know the Christ.

But he claimed to be an apostle of Jesus !

In truth, the reality is quite different, because Paul was a liar !!

And he was unmasked by Jammes "the Just", brother of Jesus.






















Paul betrayed Jesus of Nazareth, because he preached a misleading Gospel, not the good, but a false news to the gentiles. Here is the evidence :

- Paul has trangressed the recommendations of Jesus by going towards the gentiles, and by entering the cities of the Samaritans, because if he had been an apostle, he would have conformed to the instructions of Jesus which were the following (Cf. Matthew 10, 5) : « don't go towards the gentiles, and don't enter the cities of the Samaritans ».

Indeed, Paul preached his own Gospel to the pagans nations ! A veritable dishonor for Jesus ! A shameful treason !

- And he lied by making in look like Jesus had told him : « go, I shall send you far away the nations ». 

According to Acts of the Apostles 15, 3, Paul went to Samarie : « telling the conversion of the pagans ».

According to Acts of the Apostles 16, 6-7, Paul would have been called to order by the Holy Spirit, because it is written : « having been prevented by the Holy Spirit from announcing the word in Asia [...] The Spirit of Jesus didn't allow them to ».


Besides, Paul would have lied to  Félix the Procurator governor, according to his claim told in Acts of the Apostles 24, 14 : « [...] I admit to you well that I serve the God of my fathers [...] Believing all which is written in the Law and in the prophets ». Indeed, Paul repeatedly kept out of the Law, even going as far as teaching his opposite !


































« Because we think that the man is made just by the faith, independently of the observance of the law. » (Epistle to Romain 3, 28)

With its deceiving spirit, Saül of Tarsus misled others. He went against the truth ! So, by being constantly in the error, it contributed to spread a deceitful word by teaching a false doctrine.

Paul was not thus an inspired author. What is contained in epistles was not drafted under the breath of God !

There is a major difference between what is clearly inspired (conceived) by God and what seems and appears to be only by a false prophet, worthy of the character he wanted to represent. God, perfect sovereign, neither liar nor deceiver, cannot be the cause of any error !


































In the epistle to the Galatians, in 2, 11-14, Paul, in so-called servant of the Truth, says of Képhas (Céphas), that is Peter, the follower who, on three occasions, would have deny Jesus : « but when Céphas came to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was clearly in the wrong. (..) But when I saw that he did not walk uprightly according to the truth of the Gospel [...] ».


































Could it be Paul who would have made graze ewes out of Israel ? (Cf. epistles in the New Testament) In the affirmative, did he make graze according to the religious doctrine preached by Jesus of Nazareth, who rests on love of the Lord and of neighbour ? Wouldn't Paul have acted falsely and unfairly ? And the religions or the sects, stemming from the primitive Christian religion, did they make graze ewes according to the Word, according to the words which served to constitute Gospels, that is in the loyalty of the message passed on by Jesus Christ ? In reality, Paul wasn't he, by altering the truth, a false prophet ? The dress did not make the apostle !


« [...] How much more it is just that I see in the sincerity of the apostle Paul in this passage on Peter and Barnabas (1) : « seeing that he did not walk raightly according to the truth of the Gospel » [...] How shall I be sure that a man does not make a mistake either in his papers or in his words [...] But isn't it better to believe that the apostle Paul didn't write in all truth, that to believe that the apostle Peter made something bad ? If so, let us say, that God forbid, that it is better to believe that the Gospel lied, that to believe that Peter denied the Christ (2) [...] » (Cf. (saint) Augustin, letter N 82 to Jerome)

(1) Epistle Galatians II, 14

(2) Go. Matthew XXVI, 75


« I don't handle [...] Of what Paul made, but of what he wrote, it is especially what there what is important to the question, so that the truth of divine writings, recommended to the memory to build our faith, not by common persons, but by very apostles, and dressed, because of that, of the canonical authority, remains of any point complete and no doubt.

Because if Peter made what he had to do, Paul lied by saying that he had seen Peter not walking raightly according to the truth of the Gospel. Whoever makes what he must, does well. And this is not to tell the truth that to say of somebody that he hurt, when we know that he made what he must.

But if Paul wrote the truth, it remains true that Peter did not walk straightly according to the Gospel ; he thus made what he mustn't. » (Cf. Augustin, letter n°82 to Jerome)


Paul's writings contain numerous errors as well as misinterpretation.

In truth, it was neither Paul, nor Peter, but James "the Just" (1), first bishop of the assembly of Jerusalem, who remained the most faithful to the thought of Jesus of Nazareth !


(1) Brother of Jesus of Nazareth, he was beheaded in the year 62, to have defended the poor people against the rich. It was a man justice-loving which opposed, on one hand, to the high priest Ananus whose the greed and the injustice were notorious, and on the other hand, in the faiths and in Paul's teachings who was obliged to regret (Cf. Acts of the Apostles 21, 21-26) by puryfing himself in Jerusalem.



« The time has come to tear away you from the sleep [...] Let us strip away of works of the darkness and let us put on the armor of the light. » (Cf. Saül of Tarsus, epistle to Romain, 13, 11-12)


Paul deceived his public, because in reality, it did not dress himself the armor of the veritable light. On the contrary, it was an arriviste who turned away from the law, the commands and God's prescriptions ! He tried to mislead the followers of Jesus de Nazareth, it was the divisor who preached his own version of the Gospel, a different message from that taught by the master. In truth, Paul hadn't received any God's mission !






« That is why many, misled by Satan, under the guise of pity, preach a very unholy doctrine [...] Among them, Paul is himself in the error, and I don't speak about it without pains. 
Accordingly, I write you this truth which I saw and heard by attending Jesus, so that you are saved, so that you are not misled by Satan and so that you don't perish in God's judgment. Thus beware of whoever preaches you a new doctrine opposite to what I write you, so that you are saved for ever. » 
(Cf. Barnabé's Gospel, prologue)


Jesus of Nazareth has never wanted to base a new religion. « Don't believe that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I haven't come to abolish, but to to achieve ! » Such were so his words (Cf. Gospel according to Matthew 5, 17). He did not thus break with the Judaism ! As Isaiah and Amos, Jesus denounced openly the injustice by making severe words towards the powerful. His teaching was in confirmity with the precepts of the Torah.


































« For thee time will come when the men won't support the healthy doctrine ; but, having the itch to hear pleasant things, they will give themselves a crowd of doctors according to their own desires, will turn away the ears of the truth, and will turn to the fables. » (Epistle 2 Timothée 4, 3-4)

Who turned the best the ear of the truth, otherwise Paul ? What he wrote wasn't it anything else than the misleading narrative of a big liar who confabulate ?

Who was therefore more unfair than the one who concealed the truth ?


« I admit to you well that I serve the God of my fathers [according to the way which they call a sect, (1)] believing all which is written in the law and in the prophets, and having in God this hope, as they have it themselves (2), that there will be a resurrection both of the just and unjust. » (Acts of the Apostles, 24, 14-15, Defense of Saül of Tarsus in front of governor Félix)

(1) The sect of Nazarenes

(2) Implied the Pharisees (which gave credance to this point of doctrine)


« Show that the religion based on Jesus was the natural consequence of what had preceded, it's not to decrease the excellence of it ; it is to prove that it had for reason for being, that it was legitimate, that is in consistent with the instincts and with the needs of the heart in a given century. » translated from french : « Montrer que la religion fondée sur Jésus a été la conséquence naturelle de ce qui avait précédé, ce n'est pas en diminuer l'excellence ; c'est prouver qu'elle a eu pour raison d'être, qu'elle fut légitime, c'est-à-dire conforme aux instincts et aux besoins du cœur en un siècle donné. » (Ernest Renan, Vie de Jésus [Life of Jesus], ch. XXVII, p. 367)


The false prophet is skilful in the art of the deception. His business is to propagate the lie.


Saül of Tarsus was a false apostle, a false prophet. He turned away from the truth and propagated a false doctrine. He conjectured on what he ignored !

He wrote nothing under the inspiration of the holy Spirit, because only the truths are revealed by the very-High.

The impostor deserves only the contempt !!


Saül of Tarsus distorted the writings. He mutilated the truth !



Quotes :


« Two things thus make say of somebody that he is a false prophet, a false apostle. The first one, it is when he isn't sent by God, as says it Jeremy, ch. XXIII (1) : « I did not send the prophets, and they run themselves, I didn't speak to them, and they prophesied of their own authority. » The second, it's that they don't announce the word of God, but make up of their own authority things that aren't true ; what makes that it's said (by Jeremy) in the same chapter (2) : « Don't listen to the language of the prophets who don't announce you the truth and who deceive you ; they trot out you their own illusions, instead of speaking to you by God's mouth. » [...] Those who hold their mission of themselves, and they are the false prophets [...] That we also give the name of false apostle to those who propagate the heresy. » translated from french : « Deux choses donc font dire de quelqu'un qu'il est un faux prophète, un faux apôtre. La première, c'est quand il n'est pas envoyé de Dieu, comme le dit Jérémy, ch. XXIII : « Je n'envoyais pas les prophètes, et ils couroient eux-mêmes, je ne leur parlois pas, et ils prophétisoient de leur propre autorité. » La seconde, c'est qu'ils n'annoncent pas la parole de Dieu, mais s'inventent de leur propre autorité des choses fausses ; ce qui fait qu'il est dit (par Jérémy) dans le même chapitre : « N'écoutez pas le langage des prophètes qui ne vous annoncent pas la vérité et qui vous trompent ; ils vous débitent leurs propres illusions, au lieu de vous parler par la bouche de Dieu. » [...] Ceux qui tiennent leur mission d'eux-mêmes, et ce sont les faux prophètes [...] Que l'on donne aussi le nom de faux apôtre à ceux qui propagent l'hérésie. » (Cf. Opuscules de saint Thomas d'Aquin [Saint Thomas Aquinas's booklets], Tome troisième, opuscule XIX, ch. 22, page 176, Louis Vivès Éditeur, Paris, 1857)


(1) It is about the verse 21 : « So speaks the Eternal of armies : « I didn't send these prophets, and they ran (themselves) ; I didn't speak to them, and they prophesied (of their own authority). » 

(2) It is about the verse 16 : « So speaks the Eternal of armies : « Don't listen to the words of the prophets which prophesied you ! They lead you in vain things ; they trot you the visions of their heart, and not what comes from the Eternal's mouth. »


« When God speaks, he makes it simply and with few words (..) we shall show that it's easy to establish the truth because we sometimes speak so advantageously about the lie that we make it almost so credible as the truth [...] they couldn't look like real people in their words, because they didn't learn the truth of the One who can only teach it» translated from french : « Quand Dieu parle, il le fait simplement et en peu de paroles (..) nous ferons voir qu'il est facile d'établir la vérité puisque l'on parle quelquefois si avantageusement du mensonge qu'on le rend presque aussi croyable que la vérité [...] ils n'ont pu passer pour des hommes véritables en leurs paroles, parce qu'ils n'ont pas appris la vérité de Celui qui peut seule l'enseigner. » (Cf. Jean Alexandre C. Buchon, Choix de monuments primitifs de l'Église chrétienne [Cf. Choice of primitive monuments of the christian Church],  Institutions divines [divine Institutions], Lactance, livre III, "De la fausse sagesse des philosophes [Of the false wisdom of the philosophers]", ch. I, p.554, Desrez libraire-Éditeur, Paris, 1837)


« That the religion isn't a war signal, a word of rallying ; that it's not escorted by the superstition and by the fanaticism ; that it doesn't walk armed with the two-edged sword, under the pretext God was sometimes named the god of the revenge ; that it isn't accumulate honors and treasures cimented of the blood of the unfortunates ; and that his founder, who lived poor, and who died poor, does not tell it : O my girl ! That you look like badly your father !" translated from french : « Que la religion ne soit point un signal de guerre, un mot de ralliement ; qu’elle ne soit point escortée de la superstition et du fanatisme ; qu’elle ne marche point armée du glaive, sous prétexte que Dieu fut nommé quelquefois le dieu de la vengeance ; qu’elle n’accumule point des honneurs et des trésors cimentés du sang des malheureux ; et que son fondateur, qui a vécu pauvre, et qui est mort pauvre, ne lui dise pas : ô ma fille ! Que tu ressembles mal à ton père ! » (Cf. Voltaire La Bible enfin expliquée [The Bible finally explained], p. 312, ch. 23, 1776, livre numérique de Bouquineux.com)


« [...] The founders of the religions -  and I say well religions in the plural -  Don't have much to do about what their followers are preaching. Not very much at all. » translated from french : « [...] les fondateurs des religions ˗ et je dis bien religions au pluriel ˗ n'ont pas grand-chose à voir à ce que leurs disciples prêchent. Vraiment pas grand-chose. » (Cf. Bertrand Russell, Ma conception du monde [My conception of the world], p. 27, Éditions Gallimard, 1962, traduit par Louis Evrad de l'anglais : Speaks His MindArthur Barker Limited, London, 1960)


« As well, truth or lie, no matter the pervert [narcissistic], him for whom only counts efficiency ; what does he care about his words are true or false in and of themselves, provided that they are credible ; credulity will use as « truth », and will do better his case [...]. » translated from french : « Aussi bien, vérité ou mensonge, qu'importe au pervers [narcissique], lui pour qui seule compte l'efficience ; que lui importe que ses dires soient en eux-mêmes vrais ou faux, pourvu qu'ils soient crédibles ; la crédulité lui tiendra lieu de « vérité », et fera mieux son affaire [...]. » (Cf. Les perversions narcissiques [Narcissistic perversions], Paul-Claude Racamier, p. 45Payot, Paris, 2012)



Article written by Pascal Bourdaloue



Annexes : 


- The lies of Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger)


« The first of these, called by the Lord himself, by the Risen One, to be a true Apostle, is undoubtedly Paul of Tarsus. He shines like a star of the brightest magnitude in the Church's history, and not only in that of its origins. [...] How can one not admire a man like this? How can one not thank the Lord for having given an Apostle of this stature ? » (Cf. Benedict XVI, General Audience, 25/10/2006, Rome)



- Photographs that represent Saul of Tarsus :




 Stained glass window representing Saul of Tarsus in the church of Our Lady of Gontaud (France)



Stained glass window in the church of Peyrehorade (France)



Church of Davézieux (France)





Representation of <Shaoul> de Tarse in the church of Notre-Dame in Le Poinçonnet (France)




Painting of Saul of Tarsus in the church of St-Bonnet in Bourges (France)





Saul of Tarse in the church of Bénévent-l'Abbaye (France)




Painting of Saul of Tarsus in the Cathedral of Cordoba (Andalusia, Spain)




Saul of Tarse in the church of Bénévent-l'Abbaye (France)




Stained glass window of Saul of Tarsus in the church of St-Cyr d'Issoudun (France)



Painting by Saul of Tarsus, Saint-Gatien Cathedral in Tours (France)




Saul of Tarse in the church of Puycelci (France)










The contradictions of the New Testament. The contradictions between the Gospel according to Matthew and the three other Gospels :



List of the other articles :


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God never sent Paul to do any mission but to stop killing his ppl.Paul never once saw the Christ or touched him so I wont believe in his words.Christ never came to bring a new religion but to confirm the laws of Moses.
Do you believe in the gospel of luke? If you do then why do you have a problem with lukes account of acts, which obviously includes the life of paul? Im not sure you fully understand the gospel and understanding things in their proper context concerning these things.


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