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Mohammed, so-called messenger of God, altered the truth and turned out to be a false prophet.



1° On the post-Hegire suras : Word of God or delusions of paranoid structure ?



The careful examination of the post-Hegire suras in a psychopathological study makes it possible to envisage with a high probability that the alleged author could have suffered from psychosis, since he likely has been suffering from psychotic disorders, specifically paranoid schizophrenia, a serious psychiatric illness characterized by delusions and hallucinations. The author of the medinan suras would also have suffered from querulousness against a background of narcissistic personality.

Two aggravating events of his pathology might have been, on the one hand, the death of Khadija, his first wife, and, on the other hand, that of his paternal uncle Abû Tâlib (1), occurred in 619 (three years before the Hegira), which he lived very painfully.


(1) who raised Mohammed at the death of his mother Amina.


In Sura 8, it is written, in verse 30 : « The time when the unbelievers plotted against you to imprison you or murder you or banish you. They plotted [...] » This is a significant example of sense of persecution M. suffered. The distortion of the reality of others exalted his spirit of vengeance with plans of punitive and preventive actions, and his lack of reason made him act !


Not only was Mohammed was persuaded to be God's elect, but he also claimed some qualifiers that are, in principle, the prerogative of Allah. It is thus mentioned, in 9:128 : « Surely a messenger has come to you from among yourselves, concerned over the difficulties you are experiencing, who is full of solicitude for you, who is compassionate and merciful towards the believers. »

A false humility is only the mask of excessive vanity.

One must be very vain to claim to have qualities that in reality one doesn't possess !


In a state of exaltation, Mohammed imagined to be more idealistic than others, the only true idealist of his time, the most perfect and even infallibly the last prophet. He was persuaded to be the most loved, the most virtuous servant of God.

The vain exaltation of his sense of superiority made him devalue and accuse others (3). His delusion of greatness made him become the great accuser of the unbelievers, the supreme judge who condemns them by announcing a « painful punishment » (4). He wanted to impose on others imperatively !

To satisfy his exalted imagination and achieve his ends, he didn't retreat from any means of realisation, even if it was violence. In fact, after using deception by making misleading comments, seeing that certain communities refused to convert, he used force to compel the refractory tribes to deliver their goods and to immigrate, even going as far as to give the order to exterminate the men of the Jewish tribe of Banû Kurayza by beheading them. (5)


(1)  « [...] the delusions, among paranoids, open to the acuity of mind and imagination of these patients a field of action of which they wouldn't easily find the equivalent elsewhere » translated from french : « [...] les délires, chez les paranoïaques, ouvrent à l'acuité d'esprit et à l'imagination de ces malades un champ d'action dont ils ne trouveraient pas facilement l'équivalent ailleurs. » (Cf. Sigmund Freud, Inhibition, symptôme et angoisse [Inhibition, symptom and anguish], p. 8, Megapsy.com)

(2) Delusion of claim.

(3) This accusatory devalorization of others is expressed in many verses of the Koran.

(4) This condemnation is mentioned 61 times in the Qur'an. His exalted hatred against the disbelievers, guilty of not adhering to his religious precepts, was particularly exacerbated.

(5) « [...] the fantasy of the paranoid, when he is powerless, becomes the reality of everybody, when he obtains it. And under his leadership, it is the whole of society that enters into delusion of persecution. [...] The paranoid is not only the one who fantasizes persecution. He is the one who really persecutes in return, when he has the means to do so. » translates from french : « [...] le fantasme du paranoïaque, lorsqu'il est sans pouvoir, devient la réalité de tous, lorsqu'il l'obtient. Et sous sa conduite, c'est la société toute entière qui entre en délire de persécution. [...] Le paranoïaque n'est pas seulement celui qui fantasme la persécution. Il est celui qui persécute réellement en retour, lorsqu'il en a les moyens. » (Cf. Le magazine littéraire [The Literary Magazine], N° 444, p. 33, Paris, 2005)


Definition of the paranoia querulans :

 « A form of paranoia or delusional disorder associated with incessant litigious actions intended to obtain legal remedies for perceived wrongs that appear trivial or insignificant to others. Also called Querulantenwahn. » (Cf. Oxford reference)


It gives us a better understanding of the many violent and unjust acts, the atrocious acts perpetrated between 623 and 633. As soon as year 617, before the Hegira, during the bloody battle of Bu'ath, it was decided to massacre the enemies ; the men were beheaded and the women with their children were reduced to slavery !


« For the foolish speaketh folly. And his heart engage in evil, to commit ungodliness, and to speak falsehood against the LORD, to leave the soul of the one that is hungry empty ; and to take away the drink of the one that is thirsty. »  (Cf. Isaiah 32:6)


Mohammed, expert in the manipulation and falsification of the truth, to guard against any accusation of falsehood on the part of those who doubt the veracity of the account of the Qur'anic verses, made write by his scribes : « You are not by the grace of your Lord, a possessed [...] you are certainly, of imminent morality. You will see and they will see who among you has lost his mind » ; « when they hear the Qur'an, they say : Surely he is mad ! » (Cf. Qur'an 68, 2-7; 51)

The many contradictions encountered in the Qur'an can be explained by his exalted imagination.  His concern to justify himself quickly became a fixed idea.

https://la-veritable-lumiere.over-blog.com/2020/12/les-contradictions-dans-le-coran.html (in french for the moment)


« The false justification falsely motivates actions : it wants to make the perverse appear as the sublime [...] it moves with the help of conclusions and valuations, but which are devoid of any coherence. She doesn’t judge, she prejudges. It does not produce objective arguments, but falsely justifying guibbles. » translated from french : « La fausse justification motive faussement les actions : elle veut faire passer le pervers pour le sublime [...] elle se meut à l'aide de conclusions et de valorisations, mais qui sont dépourvues de toute cohérence. Elle ne juge pas, elle préjuge. Elle ne produit pas des arguments objectifs, mais des arguties faussement justificatrices. » (Cf. Paul Diel, Psychologie de la motivation [Psychology of motivation], p. 95;97, Petite bibliothèque Payot, Paris, 1970).


Some people in Muhammad’s audience had noticed the abnormality of his behaviour : "And they say, « O thou on whom the Qur'an has been brought down, thou art surely mad ! »" (cf. Qur'an 15:6) ; "[...] when they hear the Qur'an, they say, « Surely he is mad ! »" (cf. Qur'an 68:51)



2° The false words


Most of the verses contained in the medinan suras seem to be nothing more or less than impostures invented by a false prophet who set himself up as a dogmatic master to better deceive his audience. In truth, the Medinan suras are mainly fables composed by misguided scribes, skilled in the art of betrayal, and so unscrupulous that they endeavored to raise the lie to the rank of virtue.

Indeed, in Sura 2 (Al-Baqarah "The cow"), as in many suras "revealed" in Medina, as, for example, Suras 3 (Al-'Imran "The family of Imran") (a) and 5 (Al-Ma'idah "The table served") (b), the scribes distilled hateful remarks towards the disbelievers. They imposed their dogmas by force in support of inspirational theses of religious terror. They knowingly altered the word of God ! What crimes committed in the name of Allah !!

(a) Verses 127, 131 and 141, 176-178, 180-181, 188 of Sura 3, relating to the annihilation of the disbelievers and the atrocity of the punishment reserved for them.

(b) Verse 33 of Sura 5, for calling for the murder and mutilation of the unbelievers, as well as for the atrocity of the punishment promised to them.

Nevertheless, some Meccan verses seem authentic and could therefore have been inspired, probably during periods of lucidity. Unless they are only seductive words intended to charm his audience in order to convert him ! (Cf. article "The Reformed Quran : authentic verses or true imposture" in french for the moment)



God does not put lies in the mouths of his servants, whether they are messengers or prophets !


"And the Lord said to me, « These are lies which the prophets tell in my name ; I have not sent them, nor spoken to them ; they prophesy to you false visions, extravagance, inanity, and the wiles of their hearts. »" (Jeremiah 14:14) 

 "« Therefore behold, « says the Eternal, « I am against the prophets who steal my revelations from one another, and take their own word, and give it for my word ; I am against those who prophesy false dreams, and tell them, who lead my people astray by their lies and temerity. I have not sent them, neither have I commanded them, neither are they of any utility to this people. »" (Jeremiah 23:30-32)


In reality, Muhammad was, like the false apostle Saul of Tarsus (Paul) (1), a misguided man, a perverter and a great manipulator.

The imposture is thus revealed !


(1) https://la-veritable-lumiere.over-blog.com/2018/10/saul-of-tarsus-paul-the-false-apostle.html



Qotes :


« The ungodly word of the wicked resounds into my heart ; the fear of God is not in his eyes, for he flattereth himself in his own eyes, to consume his iniquity and to satisfy his hatred. The words of his mouth are false and deceitful ; he renounces to act wisely, to do good. He meditates on injustice on his bed, he stands on a path that is not good, he does not repel evil. » (Cf. Psalm 36:2-5).


« Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Do we pick grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles [...] a good tree cannot bear bad fruit [...] ? » (Cf. Gospel according to Matthew 7:15-20)


« What am I saying ? In these walls even a lost troop, Poisons of error with intoxicated zeal, His false miracles sustains illusion, Spreads fanaticism and sedition [...] » translated from french : « Que dis-je ? En ces murs même une troupe égarée, Des poisons de l'erreur avec zèle enivrée, De ses miracles faux soutient l'illusion, Répand le fanatisme et la sédition [...] » (Cf. Voltaire, Le fanatisme ou Mahomet le prophète [Fanaticism or Muhammad the Prophet], tragédie, acte I, scène 1)


Fanaticism* is to superstition what transport is to fever, what rage is to anger. One who has ecstasies, visions, takes dreams for realities, and his imaginations for prophecies, is a novice fanatic who gives great hope ; he will soon be able to kill for God’s love.” translated from french : « Le fanatisme* est à la superstition ce que le transport est à la fièvre, ce que la rage est à la colère. Celui qui a des extases, des visions, qui prend des songes pour des réalités, et ses imaginations pour des prophéties, est un fanatique novice qui donne de grandes espérances ; il pourra bientôt tuer pour l'amour de Dieu. » (Cf. Œuvres complètes de Voltaire, dictionnaire philosophique [Complete Works of Voltaire, philosophical dictionary], volume 6, p. 477, Bacquenois Editeur, Paris, 1838)

* Voltaire fought against all forms of fanaticism and demanded freedom of conscience. He was a theist.


« The shameful name of heresy, or the infamous name of paganism, must be given to the Mohammedan error, that is to say to write. » translates from french : « Qu’on donne à l’erreur mahométane le nom honteux d’hérésie ou celui, infâme, de paganisme, il faut agir contre elle, c’est-à-dire écrire. » (Cf. Pierre le vénérable, cité par Jacques le Goff, Les Intellectuels au Moyen Age [Intellectuals in the Middle Ages], "Le temps qui court", Le Seuil, 1957)


« This book is a long conference of God (Allah), of the Angels, and of Muhammad, which the false prophet invented quite grossly ; sometimes he introduces God who speaks to him and teaches him the law, after an Angel, then the Prophets, and often he makes God speak in the plural by a style that is not ordinary. » translated from french : « Ce livre est une longue conférence de Dieu (Allah), des Anges, et de Mahomet, que le faux prophète a inventée assez grossièrement ; tantôt il introduit Dieu qui lui parle et lui enseigne la loi, après un Ange, puis les Prophètes, et souvent il fait parler Dieu au pluriel par un style qui n'est pas ordinaire. » (Cf. Du Ryer, L'Alcoran de Mahomet translaté d'Arabe en François, introduction "Au lecteur", Chez Antoine de Sommaville, Paris, 1647)


« It is true that contradictions, absurdities, anachronisms, are widespread in this book. Above all, we see a profound ignorance of the simplest and best-known physics. This is the touchstone of the books that false religions claim to be written by divinity ; for God is neither absurd nor ignorant, but the people, who do not see these faults, worship them, and the imams use a flood of words to address them. » translated from french : « Il est vrai que les contradictions, les absurdités, les anachronismes, sont répandus en foule dans ce livre. On y voit surtout une ignorance profonde de la physique la plus simple et la plus connue. C'est là la pierre de touche des livres que les fausses religions prétendent écrits par la divinité ; car Dieu n'est ni absurde, ni ignorant, mais le peuple, qui ne voit pas ces fautes, les adore, et les imams emploient un déluge de paroles pour les pallier. » (Cf. Œuvres complètes de Voltaire [Complete Works of Voltaire], Essai sur les mœurs, tome troisième, ch. VII, p. 99, chez Furner Libraire-Éditeur, Paris, 1835)


« [...] a collection of ridiculous revelations and vague and incoherent preaching [...] it was a sublime and bold charlatan that this Muhammad, son of Abdullah. [...] the means are awful ; it is deceit and murder. [...] he lacks nothing to deceive men. » translated from french : « [...] un recueil de révélations ridicules et de prédicatives vagues et incohérentes [...] c'était un sublime et hardi charlatan que ce Mahomet, fils d'Abdallah. [...] les moyens sont affreux ; c'est la fourberie et le meurtre. [...] il ne lui manque rien pour tromper les hommes. » (Cf. Œuvres complètes de Voltaire, volume 7, Sur l'Alcoran ou plutôt le Koran, p. 155-161, chez Th. Desoer Libraire, Paris, 1817)


« [...] This impostor monster ! [...]» translated from french : « [...] Ce monstre imposteur ! [...] » (Cf. Voltaire, Le fanatisme ou Mahomet le prophète [Fanaticism or Muhammad the Prophet], tragédie, acte I, scène 2)


« He [Muhammad] was remarkable for certain physiological or even pathological features. He sometimes made strange remarks which, for the multitude, evoked quite well certain famous phrases [...] he openly persecuted other religions [...] the gullible peoples are always dazzled by religious fervour, even when it threatens to oppress them. » translated from french : « Il était remarquable par certaines particularités physiologiques ou mêmes pathologiques. Il tenait, à l'occasion, des propos étranges et qui, pour la multitude, évoquaient assez bien certaines phrases célèbres [...] il persécutait ouvertement les autres religions [...] les peuples crédules sont toujours éblouis par la ferveur religieuse, même quand elle les menace de les opprimer. » (Cf. Georges Duhamel, Positions françaises, p. 146, Éd. Mercure de France, Paris, 1940)


« In my opinion, this unholy being [Muhammad] did not belong to a very high antiquity ; but I have no other reason to believe him than to have never found anyone among the doctors of the Church who wrote against his infamy. [...] there is no risk of mischief from a man whose malignity surpasses all what will say of worse [...]. »  translated from french : « À mon avis, cet être impie [Muhammad] n'appartenait pas à une très haute antiquité ; mais je n'ai pas d'autres raisons de le croire que celle de n'avoir jamais trouvé personne, parmi les docteurs de l'Église, qui ait écrit contre son infamie. [...] on ne court aucun risque à mal chanter d'un homme dont la malignité surpasse tout ce qu'on en dira de plus mauvais [...]. » (Cf. Guibert de Nogent, Pays d'Islam et Monde Latin Xe - XIIIe  siècle, p. 71 (traduction de M. Garand), Presses universitaires de Lyon, Lyon, 2000)



Article written by Pascal Bourdaloue

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